How to label food supplements?
Are you launching a food supplement on the Norwegian market? Do you need help labeling your product correctly ?
Are your Compendium texts (Felleskatalogen) up to date?
The Norwegian Pharmaceutical Product Compendium/Felleskatalogen (FK) is the “number one” information source for medicinal products for all groups of healthcare personnel in Norway1. Felleskatalogen provides structured, updated and easily available information about pharmaceutical products available on the market in Norway; FK text, SmPC, PIL, RMP material and instruction documents/videos ( The FK text has its […]
Thank you for your effort!
Today, we would like to congratulate our finance employee, Gro Hauknes on her retirement. She has been a valuable asset to our company and not least a very good colleague. We wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope you will have a fun and fruitful retirement!
NoMA can impose infringement penalties
The Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA) has now the legal basis to impose infringement penalties.
Mericon will be Christmas closed from 24 December 2021 to 2 January 2022.
Serving International pharmaceutical industry from Skien
The magasin visited us last week and the result was a nice story about Mericons history and our perspectives on how to run a pharmaceutical business from Skien. Unfortunately , the article is only in Norwegian. Jobber i internasjonal farmasi fra Skien