We mainly evaluate, but also carry out translations of promotional materials into Norwegian, e.g. short product information texts, websites, meeting invitations, e-letters, presentations and folders/brochures on your human, veterinary and herbal medicinal products as well as for medical devices and cosmetics.
Compliance for human and veterinary medicinal products
- Review of marketing materials for medicinal products to ensure compliance with Norwegian legislation
- Review of marketing materials for medicinal products to ensure compliance with guidelines from The Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LMI) in Norway
- Translation of marketing materials (primarily from English) into Norwegian
- Submission of marketing materials to the Committee for Information on Medicinal Products in Norway (required for all marketing materials)
- Preparation and continuous updating of texts on medicinal products for the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Compendium (Felleskatalogen)
Herbal medicinal Products / Medical Device / Cosmetics / Food supplements
- Translation of marketing materials (primarily from English) into Norwegian and review of marketing materials to ensure compliance with Norwegian legislation.
Other services
- Farmalogg: Registration of products and relevant information in the Norwegian register for pharmacies and wholesalers (Vareregisteret) via VareWeb
- Preparation and submission of price applications for prescription-only medicines (POM) for humans
- Preparation of texts for wholesalers and product catalogues
Design collaboration
Mericon has a collaboration with Artell, a design agency with experience and expertise from the Pharmaceutical Industry.
This gives us opportunities to deliver one-shop solutions of the preparation or revision of marketing materials on behalf of our customers, with creative solutions that comply with LMI’s industry compliance rules (the Rules) in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway.