New colleague to our compliance team
Oda Oland, new compliance consultant in Mericon AS

We wish to welcome our new colleague, Oda Oland, to Mericon. Oda has a master’s degree in pharmacy from Bergen University, and her working experience is from both private and hospital pharmacies. In addition, Oda has a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and with this combination of disciplines, she is a good fit for the job as a consultant and adviser in our company.
Mericon already has a strong marketing compliance team, with highly skilled and experienced team members, and Oda will be a valuable supplement for the years to come.
By strengthening our marketing compliance team, we wish to offer our customers even better services within the field that we already have been supporting several customers, including both smaller and larger pharmaceutical companies. Mericon has been the reliable partner for compliance support for more than 20 years, and our team members provide a stable point of contact for the clients, ensuring fast and efficient feedback when needed.