How to label food supplements?
Are you launching a food supplement on the Norwegian market? Do you need help labeling your product correctly ?
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) has carried out a national project to check illegal use of health claims on food supplements. As much as 90 % of the products included in the project were marketed with medical claims, which is not legal1.

This project show that many find it difficult to manoeuvre in the food supplement legislation.
Don’t worry, we can assist you!
Based on this project, NFSA are considering performing audits of food supplements available in pharmacies2.
Our service includes preparation and compliance of Norwegian labelling for food supplements, including check of ingredients. We may also perform quality review of labelling performed by others.
Whether you need help with a single assignment, assistance during holidays or a long term local regulatory/compliance partner, do not hesitate to contact us.
For further information about us, please contact Mette Hassan
1 Ernærings- og helsepåstander (
2 Mattilsynet overveier tilsyn av helsekost i apotek – Farmatid
Photo: Valentina_G